Official UNISA Tuition Centre

Official UNISA Tuition Centre

Degree/Diploma Courses Offered through Distance Learning

Undergraduate Studies
BA (communication science)
BA (community safety and socio-legal studies)
BA (culture and arts)
BA (general)
BA (health sciences and social services)
BA (human and social studies)
BA (languages and literature)
BA (pol) (criminology)
BA (ss) (social work)
BA with specialisation in court interpreting
BA with specialisation in environmental mangement
BA with specialisation in music
BInf (library and information science)
BMus (musicology)
BPsych (psychology)
BVA (visual arts)

The faculty also offers a lot of undergraduate diplomas in different disciplines.


Postgraduate Studies

Honours/Master/Doctor Degrees may be conferred in the following subjects:

african languages; african politics; afrikaans; ancient history; ancient near eastern culture; anthropology; arabic; art history; classical culture; communication science; criminology; development studies; economics; english; french; gender studies; geography; german; greek; history; industrial and organisational psychology; information science; international politics; islamic studies; italian; judaica; latin; linguistics; mathematics; modern hebrew; musicology; penology; philosophy; police science; politics; portuguese; psychology; public administration; religious studies; romance languages; russian; semitic languages; sociology; spanish; statistics; theory of literature; honours bachelor of arts in social science

Postgraduate diploma in advanced nursing science
Postgraduate diploma in telecommunication and information policy
Diploma in translation